Sunday, April 13, 2008

April Showers Suck

Original sketch by Shojojim (Jim Arnold) inks and colors by moi.

Okay, for the 5th time, yes I always forget I have this.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Did I spell that right?
And why do I update only once a month?
SAFkfkasjkjak!! oekaki stuff

Dya (c) Granitoons

This oekaki stuff is SO MUCH FUN.

I drew these in Biology class!

Not drastic changes but.. can't decide.

Cillian Murphy, enough said.

Ricky Nelson! He was such a babe.

Odd anatomy practice .. all painty too.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm horrible with updating these things.

What has happened in the past month?
Crappy stuff!
Cat died.
16th birthday!

Mike Schepers

I saw the music video for Whats a Girl to Do by Bat for Lashes and I had the biggest urge to draw this!

Lonesome Town Stubbs. He's so sad.

Friends Joe and Tim.

Friends Ed and David.


Legend of Bonkers.

Grammar mistake but I don't give a crap.

Guy Fox and Stan (c) Granitoons

Squirrel characters.

My squirrel Haikus!

See all the squiirels.
Squirls, squiirells, lots of them,
climbing upon trees.

Squirrel fur is nice.
They enjoy grooming themselves.
What fashionistas!

It's a nice autumn,
Collecting lots of the nuts;
Thoughts of winter time.

Lots of squirrelies,
Red, grey, brown and sometimes white.
Those are albino!

Why the name squirrel?
Their genera's Sciuridae.

A tailless squirrel.
It was kind of sad to see;
trees were hard to climb.

Cute baby squirrels,
They have really skinny tails.
That will change in time.

Chipmunks are squirrels,
but are cheap imitations!
Squirrels are better.

Learn to talk squirrel!
They have great stories to tell.
Maybe a quick chat.

Squirrels aren't picky.
Making nests from anything!
You try and do that!

I had a squirrel.
He would sit on my shoulder.
People liked to stare.

A zombie outbreak,
So many zombie squirrels.
Watch out for your brain!

I am a squirrel
wearing my squirrel costume!
I am such a nerd.

Squirrels making love
while I'm driving down the street.
Get a room you two!

You start with a 'S',
Then it's kind of like 'quarrel'
but without the 'a'.

Fatty fat squirrel.
Eatin' all the tomatoes.
Garden is no-more!

Japanese squirrels!
Red ones live in Hokkaido.
Kawaii desu?

Fly away squirrel!
No, actually it's gliding.
They can't really fly!

Squirrels have sharp claws,
When they think you are a tree
it hurts a lot, OUCH!

Uh oh, watch your head!
He doesn't really like you.
'Dumb squirrel-hater!'